
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Monday, September 04, 2006

The Gymnasium

So this is about the gym here. I decided on the nicest one in town. It:s called Konami Sports Club. Konami also owns the video game company and many other companies here \apparently too. The gym is 9200 yen per month or about 85$. You would expect alot for that huh? But unfortunately it:s a four story gym with equipment you had in your high school gym. The equipment is very limited. Japanese people are not so much into weihts. All the cardio classes are always full and they have two rooms just for that. I think the weigths machines are made for Japanese people too. Everything is smaller and I bang my knees on a lot of the equipment. Most of the I rack out as they don:t go as heavy as in the US. I get some weird looks doing so but that:s ok. It cracks me up watching the jpn men working out. I don:t think they have ANY idea what they are doing. They just move weights around and think that will do something. One guy acts like he`s banging a drun for his workout. One guy moves the bar exactly 1^inch off tthe rack to his schest. It does absolutely nothing, but he puts a lot of weight on it so it looks cool for him I guess. They also wear like spandex from the 80`s and it looks quite funny. Also I have to complain about the breath. People are brething hard on the cardio equipment and sometimes it hits you like a ton of bricks. You can:t have gum as I have been told numerous times so they should make everyone brush their teeth before working out. Oh and one more complaint.....Taking your shoes off in the gym. So I have to wear a pair of shoes there. Leave those in a locker as \i enter. Then put on my indoor shows. Then take those off as NO shoes are allowed in locker rooms. then proceed to workout and put on my workout shoes. I have to bring about 4 pairs to the gym everyday. I forgot and was walking around the locker room once. I got a lot of stairs but no one says anything to me. Oh well..And last it is neat that the lady at the front bows and accepts my card everyday with both hands like I`m someone important. Oh and since Konami owns it they make equipment for like the treadmills so they are liek a videogame and while you run the screen in front of you has obstacles and characters you must beat. Kinda fun i guess. I also enjoy the view. From the second floor of the gym where I workout, it looks out onto the lake and castle so at least the scenery is nice while I workout. I`m just glad I have my Ipod otherwise that J-pop they play would kill my workouts. ...


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