
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Friday Octber 6th Moon Viewing Festival

Friday was nice as it was Friday and I was excited to visit some other places this next weekend. I only helped with 2 classes then sat for a long time so I just walked out and chatted with kids playing soft tennis. They think its funny when I imitate there accents in English and act silly. They did impressions of me and I returned the favor. It was quite amusing to me. Then they listened to my ipod and sang "you’re Beautiful" by James Blunt and it was soo funny. I then sang it to them in my Japanese accent and they thought that was funny so it worked out well. I left right on time, went and worked out. Which by the way someone PLEASE export American style deoodorant over here, I’m dying with some of these smells at the gym. I def cant lift as much as machines are smaller but I cant go to heavy as they WONT help you with a spot. He told me "thats personal training and costs money."

After I went to the Castle Moon Viewing Festival. It was a full moon ad a great night out. I wandered around. Bought some souvenirs, sushi rolls, and considered the all-you can drink sake from a local brewery but thought it would be sad to get drunk by myself. I laid in the grass and listened to the music. I watched th traditional dancers for a while but honestly got bored with it. The music and the moon were enough for me. I stayed till 830 then home for dinner and getting ready for my long day the next day!
Oh and the 2 boys in the pics are my 2 cleaning time sweeping buddies. The boy with the shaved head, Matsumoto Yohihiro, is a BIG boy! he plays baseball and is very polite! The other one i call massage as it sounds like his real nae and i remember massage better


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