
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Wednesday October 4th

Noting exciting happened the last couple of days. Helping with classes has consisted of a lot of repetitive ames for me. AS stated earlier, I have done eads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes about 100 times. I have also sang quite a few songs in English that 5 year old would sing in the US. The kids are nice and friendly if nothing else. They cheered when i came into one classroom today and said, "Yay..Mr. Don-yel!." It kind of gave me a good feeling and made sure that the Japanese teachers heard them cheer. They are very nice and really like it when i remember here names. I never thought I would be able to remember any of there names but now I know maybe 10 kids names. Shime, Shinji, Shibata, Masahiro, Matsumoto Yoshihiro (that's my favotire one to say, and I always call him by his whole name)

Before every class begins they have to all stand say something that I don't know what it is. Then bow, then we bow back then we begin. I say "Welcome class" they reply with "Welcome Mr. Don-yel.) I taught SImon Says today and it was fn. First time they had ever played it. Easy to trick at this point! One class, Shinji decided to say "Don-yel" the whole class over and over. He's a bit strange to say the least. Him sticking his fingers p my ass again seemed to throw my lesson off again. I gave him a pretty hard punch but i still don't think he gets it. The teacher saw again and said, "Shinji naughty boy." Im like, "Ya Think!!" But otherwise it has all the kids i like in that class and it was fun.

Tuesday are the day I teach handicapped kids. I hate to say its a useless cause but it kind of is. Some of the kids can say words though. I hold up a pic of a dog and they say "Dog-o". (They add O to t he end of everyword ffor some reason, i.e. pet-o, cat-o, etc) ITs really cute though. The teacher asked me again before the class what ideas i ada for the class tat day, and in my head I'm like, "REally..Do you tbink I know how to teach English to handicapped students who only speak Japanese?" But i just gave the usual reply of, ""I'm sorry". So we did the flip cards, danced and sang songs such as our ABCs and Happy Birthday songs. They kids are sooo cute though! The down syndrome kid gives me five and constantly beats the hell ot of the handicapped teacher. While he was talking he whacked him in the balls and dropped the teacher. The teacher just plays if off and seems to be so patient with the kids. I don't know how he does it but i sure respect it. I learned there names and say hi whenever i see them on the way to school or around campus. Like I said I need to take a pic next Tuesday cuz they are too cute. Nothing else exciting. I start my elementary tomorrow in the next TOWN! Yea I have to bus out there for 700yen each way and am not going to get home till even later! Ahhh! im already soo tired! Eric tells me it SUCKS! But ill find out for myself. e told them he will only do 3 classes rather than the 6 his contract says. He told them he would rather study and all the classes is annoying. I'm excited to hear what they tell him. I predict they will kick his ass to the curb! Sucks cuz he's the only fun person in this damn town.

Other sort of interesting things I learned this work or forgot to mention previously:

!. Kids take a morals class once a week on racism, discrimination, etc. The teacher asked if we did that in the S and I was embarrassed to say no.

2. I played the part of a McDonalds worker for about 3 hours today to help teach ordering food. Realized how bad that must suck.

3. Kids find it funny when I talk like a girl to read the girl parts of books in class. They die laughing for some reason.

4. This is soooooo weird/funny to me. Kids here and adults too cant say bangbang. If you ask what noises does a gun make, they say, "Baccum, bacuum." Like vacuum. I say do u mean bang bang? And they look at you like ur weird. Same with a dog. Ask what "noise does a dog make?" and they reply, "Wa-Wa." Not woof-woof. Same with sneezes. I really wonder why this is??

5. And last FYI, if you have a tattoo you can't join the gym here. ITs a sign of trash like the yakuza members. Ok that is all...


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