
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Is it really Friday?

So today was Friday but here is a boring recap of my day:

I worked all day. By worked I mean I sat. They had sports practice again!! It's Like the 10th day in a row of practice. These teachers are REALLY perfectionist. The PE was crying yesterday cuz they couldn't get the routine right. The other teachers just RIP into any student not paying attention. The mean teacher walked up to a student who had his head hung low and not looking at the speaker and grab him by the hair and straightened him up! Ouch! I decided I had seen enough of the same thing over and over so I went inside and checked my email. Then we had EXTENDED cleaning time. I rake pointlessly for like 50 minutes. I felt like a gardener. I then had to have a meeting with 3 of the teachers I will start with in October at 3 separate elementary schools in neighboring towns. They spoke no English so one teacher from my current school translated.
It will take me about 45 minutes on the bus to get there I found out and the worst part is its 710 yen for the fare. Which isn't HORRIBLE except that the fare EACH way! Sucks, I know! Then she said I cant leave work there till around 5 which means I will get home late again! I hate getting home so late! But luckily I have my Ipod for the bus ride everyday!
Throughout the last like 10 minutes of the meeting, we had so many awkward silences it was awful. I think everyone KNEW we were done but no one wanted to say anything. I was rustling my papers which to me is the, "Let's go people we are done here", sign. But no, they wanted to sit in silence.

Then I killed time till time to leave! IT was payday! First one! I rode to the ATM on the way to the gym. Someone lied and said the ATM had an English option...Which was a lie. I literally pushed buttons and got lucky. I typed in my pin on some screen then found a button after a while which I typed in how many Yen I wanted. You cant use a debit card at stores here. Weird, so technologically savvy but still a cash based society.
After a brief workout at the gym, I headed to the market since I am out of food entirely. I got all the essentials and then did a lil' sampling of some foods I had know idea of what they were. I was being brave.
While shopping a store clerk walked up and asked me if I was finding everything ok. At first I thought he thought I was stealing as I had my HUGE backpack filled. Turns out he wanted to practice English. He said he teachers Japanese and gave me his card and said to call him. He then told me to please come back the the store and talk to him next time. Very friendly of him I thought!

After that I went to the 7-11 to pay my electric bill. Only was for 1 week so it was only 1081 yen. Nice that you can just do that at any conveinance store. However, on my way home I had all my groceries hanging on my bar handles and tried braking to hard. The silver Bullet couldn't handle all that action and one of my brakes snapped. I now have one working brake. Im not gonna get it fixed as I KNOW its worth more than that rusty piece is....

Alright...8hours of more practice tomorrow so up at 530 on a Saturday morning. :( Goodnight all!


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