
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Monday, October 16, 2006

My Bday!!!!!

So it was my birthday this weekend and at first I thought that it would be a crappy bday, but it turned out to be OK overall. At least for the fact that I’m sure I will never forget it. Friday was boring. Work was fun that day as I just goofed around and played hangman and simon says with the kids. Then I decided to chat with them and greet them as they left school for the weekend. They still like to chat with me which is good. I went to the gym and then came home. I wanted to go out but Eric was with one of his girlfriends and I was tired by then so I went to bed. Lame I know.

Saturday (my bday) was good. I bought mom’s ticket to come out here. It should be really fun and we will leave out of Tokyo so that means I will get to see Tokyo now too. I think after all of this I will have a really good sense of the Honshu region and seen all that there is to see that is interesting at least. I will now go online and try and book a room for a few nights in Tokyo. And I will finally get to ride on the shinkansen 3 hours is DEF better than 12 hours to Tokyo. After the gym I went to the top of this hill and just laid in the grass. It was very relaxing and I almost fell asleep. Good place to think and just tune everything out.

After that I made myself a BIG dinner. Tofu block, rice, noodles, eggs, soy sacue all mixed together Everyone else thinks im gross but I like it I was too full after for my desert I bought myself. That will be eaten by me tonight don’t worry.

After worrying I wouldn’t get to go out on my bday I got a hold of Eric and he was coming home. I made myself a number of Shochu and juice drinks and was already drunk by the time we left on our bikes for downtown. We met some girls and went to a bar. I b snuck some of my beers in with me and drank more. I don’t remember how I got home on my bike. Eric said I went off into one of the killer ditches that line every road here. Im just glad I made it home as the ditches are VERy dangerous! I also was told I kept speaking the same things in Japanese over and over. “Ohhhh it’s wa-wa chan” which translates to “woof’woof” kid. It doesn’t make sense either language and I called the girls the wrong names all night. But it was my bday and its excused.


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