
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Sports day!

So today was finally the big day, what we have been practicing for the last week every single day. I was honestly glad it was held. They said they would reschedule and do it on our holiday day off if it rained. I woke up the night before at about 2:30 to a REALLY loud noise. It was this little river that was like the raging rapids outside my door since I have been sleeping with it open. I thought that for sure we would still have to work and then just reschedule it on our day off. However when I woke up for school several hours later the sun was out. The teacher told me to be there by 7 as that is "when al of us have to be here." I showed up at 7:20 since I’m not "one of them" and my contract doesn’t say I have to. After setting up I had seen this all done 100 times but since they locked the teachers room I found a seat. After struggling to stay awake I went over to take pictures of the kids since they asked me to take lots of pictures so they could use them in their newsletter. All the kids LOVE when I want to take a picture and all want to get in it. They were all having fun when one of the teachers came and tried to lecture me with mostly gestures and about 4 words on how I shouldn’t work the kids up, that they should be sitting straight up. Geez! Sometimes I think these teachers need to pull the sticks out of their asses and loosen up. These are kids ya know! So I took my bitter self and went and chatted with the school nurse who is my age. She doesn’t speak English so its always fun to try.
I then walked around and said "Hello" about 1000000 times. Thats all most kids know but they all say it. I sound like a parrot repeating myself. There funny though.
I was then ready for my big race. I was in a teacher’s relay against the 7th graders. I ran 1 lap sprinting and almost had a heart attack. I havened used my "sprinting" muscles or something in a while! Then they signed me up for some game where me and 2 other teachers had to wear a box on our back and try and escape the PTA parents. Whoever had the least amounts of balls I the box at the end one.
Finally, rain was sent from the heavens.... WE had to clean up still but it ended a little early. Cancel the boring rest??? Of course not...they reschedule it of course for the next day! Blah! Other interesting things for me....I ate a $1050 yen bento lunch. It had squid (good), lotus root (not so good), and they have really HUGE pears shaped like apples. She said they are called 21st century pear. Never heard of them but they are much better than America’s I only had 5 hours of sleep from the night before so I came home. That plus I wasn’t going to pay 60000 yen, yes 60000 yen to go to dinner with the teachers that night. I’m gonna use that to goto Kobe on Tuesday! Oh and I got Konchoed again...I figured they would keep doing this so I explained the wedgie to the kids. They then began to give each other wedgies. I love exporting the great American traditions!


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