
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Nada Fighting FEstival Oct. 15th

The next morning I had to wake up to go and meet Eric and my boss and others at the train station to goto the Nada Fighting Festival. It was in a nearby suburb of himeji. It took only 15 minutes to get there. The train was packed as was the station. Many people were eaded there.

I didn’t know what to expect once at the festival, it turned out to be very interesting. We had VP seats from the city which normally a family has to pay about 2,000US $ for the section of 4. We were above all the common folk. Lord knows I don’t mix with the peasants. We got unlimited beer and sake and snacks served to us and some nifty hats to keep the sun off of us. Although we looked Amish wearing the hats I still wore mine. We also ad to pick a color headband. I chose green and realized it meant what team we were for. Each section of town was acolor and there men would come to hoist up the shrine and bash them together.
It’s quite dangerous and I wouldnt do it. Once the all lift these shrines, which weigh a “few tons”, the march them through town, chant, beat a drum, trhow salt on them, and finally smash them into each other. Once they hit they fall anywhich way. If you happen to be under it, then your dead and people have died and are injured every year.Some guy started pushing me up to one of them when I was in the arena and about crapped myself and said no.

Eric hits on every girl who is breathing and he always has me go along. I always say stupid things and he was telling me my ridiculous sayigs and stupid hat were ruining his chances. I thoght it was funny. Our boss, izuka-san, kept insisting we drink more so I obliged. Afterall it was still my bday in the US. I had about 10 beers throughout the day and choked down some warm sake, but sitting in the sun you get drunk. It was great. Why did I drink and eat so much??? Cuz its free I also bought a large squid to eat on a stick. I figured I’ll never try this again so what the hell. Its tough like jerky but good. I also ate anchovies and eel that day too. Eel was quite good. Lunch was provided and prolly cost about 20$. We stayed after when everyone left to talk more with our boss. He is very nice and was telling us things about Japan we didn’t know. LIKE, DYKnow that when a kid gets in trouble with the law, like shoplifting, the first people the police call to deal with it is his teacher? How crappy is that for the teachers. E said he doesn’t get home till maybe 9pm at night. Eats a late dinner then bath, then bed. Not a fun life I would say but im not him. He told us of his time in Tokyo and how no one should live there. He said everyone is only looking out for themselves and concrete everywhere. No soil.
He told us he had an arranged marriage which I didn’t know they had here but apparently still use today. Also, he used to be a specialist for the behavior problem kids. And “off the record” he used to kick some ass, he’s a black belt in aikido. He also said he had a few bones broken from some kids though too. He would’ve got fired for hitting them though but said he had no choice. He was drunk and telling us to drink more too as sake is sacred and drank at these matsuri and everyone drinks from morning till night and everyone really was It was a real insight into tradition of japan.
Then they carry the shrines for more fighting out to a mountain nearby. It was packed. On the way we saw a nice lil fight. One guy was tattooed up so prolly a yakuza. I wanted to see some ninja action but still it was fun to watch, First violence I have seen here. Then the road leading there was sooo crowded I could not move. I told Eric I couldn’t take anymore and was leaving except I couldn’t move. I was freaking about and people started pushing and I was sure it would lead to a stampede. I was looking for anyway to go but couldn’t move. I REALLY almost freaked out and climbed a roof but pushed my way the other direction. Some bloody English asshole was shoving me from behind hard. I threw my elbow back wards into him and he got the point. But it was really scary and what if you fell? You would’ve been walked on. I then walked up to the top of the mountain and took a few pics. No where to sit on the entire mountain. I then headed for the train station.
Overall, it would have been nice to see my friends for my bday but it turned out to at least be an interesting day...

Side Notes

1. Port a potties are even squat toilets. It looks quite funny.
2. Everyone smelled like booze and sweat...ewwwww
3. There are many foreign tourists I see around Japan who spends lots of money to travel and tour here and I get to for free It’s kind of neat. I don’t hink you can really experience it though from a few nights in the big cities though.
4. Apparently, I knew nothing about Australia and quizzed this girl for about 20 minutes on the country. I even asked if they used US money there. Shows you what I knew. Interesting to learn about it though. She teaches Japanese in high school there which is the most popular language to take in school there she said.
5. Im at school and a teacher is yelling so loud at a student, it is now the sound of a growl. Kinda scary.
6. I feel like sucha nerd as my pants are hiked up so high at school. It is how everyone her does it. I look like Mark Karr, the perv guy from jon benet case. WHICh reminds me of bill mahr show. He’s so funny. E said, “I never thought I would say this to a pedophile, but for God’s sake pull down your damn pants ” That show is hilarious


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