
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Friday, October 20, 2006

ANother Friday....

So Tuesday and Wednesday of this week I literally did nothing but sit on my ass at work 8 hours a day It was actually really boring. I am good at doing nothing but only when I have things to do to at least pass them time. You are not allowed to listen to headphones and there is no more internet so it was bad. No one talked to me all day at work either. The kids were testing so I couldn’t talk to them either until after school. Instead of just sending me home they make me sit here all day wiht NOTHING to do. Its fun to talk to the kids after schooll. I am the school clown to them. My arch nemesis Shinji caught me off guard with a good koncho not once but twice. Then taunted me and would sprint away when I approached him. Its quite annoying having to cover your ass while walking amongst the kids but its good prep for prison. :) My friend Manami said it’s a joke and not to take it seriously. It means “they like you”. Greaaaat.
One teacher took me to his house to show me his black lab who is 1 year old. He was a big boy and very cute. E must stay in a crate all day which is cruel to me but what can you do. He gave me a tour of his huge townhouse and gave me a drink. He married a Candaian English teacher 5 years ago and now wants to move to Vancouver. I was surprised by how big his place was. I think it costs about 2,000$ a month.
The other English teachers are a holes. The lady next to me does not speak to me or tell me whats going on anymore so I just will be sitting here and everyone in the room leaves for early release or an assembly or something. Just gowith the flow. She is trying to blame me for messing up their test by saying the wrong thing on the oral test. My job was to read a script twice though. They think I cahnged what it said and screwed up the test. I really doudbt I read info not on the sheet out loud twice in a row and didn’t notice. I said with a big smiles, “No I don’t think so. I would like to hear the tape actually.” She said she doesn’t have it. They use me so much I decided I had endured enough boredom and since I needed to goto the bank before they close at 3pm I was going to go during the middle of the day. I just got up and took my bike and rode to the bank. I was gone maybe an hour and finished my banking and rode back. Absolutely no one even noticed. PS they are talking about me right now and its awkard cuz they think I don’t know a nd im right next to them. Anywho....

Yesterday I went to a new Elementary school I had no clue what station to get of on and that was not fun. I can’t read any signs The teacher at the school was nice but didn’t speak any English. I just brought pics from home and the the students asked me questions for the next hour. I did that 4 times over, same question over and over. I didn’t ind though. The kids are too cute. Ex: Whats you favorite color? What’s your favorite flower? Do you like Japan or the US better? What is your favorite saying? What is your dream from being a kid??? Also, interesting they asked me my blood type. I asked my friend last night and she said its very popular to do that and everyone knows theirs I have no clue. People use it to choose a mate or just to say, “yea I figured he was A type.” or something. Interesting.
Then I went to the gym and to our ALT meeting. It is where all have to gather to chat. THEY bitched about TRASH and TRASHCANS and other petty issues for like 30 min and all of a sudden I started laughing as I couldn’t believe all of these grown ups were arguing and side chatting and making this meeting awful About TRASH AGAIN I wanted to rip my eyes out.
Then I went for a jog, and had dinner. Later that night I went for a walk with my friend Manami again. She is nice and asks me lots of questions and I enjoy our talks. She does too. She always works so its hard to et to see her but she invited me to a festival with her and her friend from golfing atsumi on Saturday night. Im excited for another festival at least. In my free time at work today im gonna keep planning Tokyo. I AM excited for that and to see my mom
Also my friend dave called me and said he really wants to backpack in Europe. I was thinking about it and got excited. I know it would be fun to go with a buddy and it cant be any harder than here in Europe. I just look around and learn by observations. It’s the only way since icant read or write.
Later on today...I decided to goto the bank as I had nothing to do at work again for the next 3 hours left in my day. I was gone today for about 1.5 hours and no one noticed again. And im not even sneaky about it. I also taught the kids to play Heads Up Seven Up, which I really liked in school. They really liked it to. I also did hang man today which I really enjoy. This is how they use me...for hangman and heads u seven up?? Whatever...beats working hard I guess. I stayed after as I was asked to help a girl with a speech in English, it was so awful I just wrote it for her and then sat on the other side of the room while she practiced. Her breath almost knocked me out.
Like everyday i dont want to sit with the teachers anymore at lunch so i join the kids. They all have to come over, laugh, point, and stare at my food before they can eat. today it was half cooked spagheti, with rice, peanuts, furakake and soy sauce mixed up. Yet they eat rawfish and still laugh at me. I could easily get mad at being laughed at but they are kids. I just ask them questions the whole lunch period. I like asking what they would like to be when they grow up. Whenever eric or manami comes by around dinner they also laugh at my weird meals. I dont mind them and dont know how to cook so its all i can do for now. Thats what a girlfriend is for! :) I will learn one day i swear.
I got SOOO frustrated trying to close my bank account and communicate with the teller I almost broke down. That on top of a generally bad day was not fun. I ended up saying screw it and just taking my money out and leaving the account open for now. I also decided to use the last of my vacation days for my last 3 days of work. I was gonna work them but since I have earned them and they are not friendly at work and I just sit around I say screw it! Im going to relax! PLUS I haven’t even begun to pack anything. They will not be happy but oh well. Eric is being stalked by his employer. He keeeps calling in sick and just not going and they literally stood outside hs door till he had to come out today. I thought it was soo funny. Anyhow, that’s all or now. I hope tomorrow is better.


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