
My, sometimes cynical, sometimes funny, times in Japan...And no I don't go back and check my spelling or anything like that so don't complain.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

My TIme to Boast

So I was sitting on top of this hill today watching the sunset and it was really peaceful and nice. I was thinking about things and I decided I am very proud of myself to have had the courage to come allll the way over here to live. Even if it wasn't for a full year. I have known friends of mine to have studied abroad in Australia or England, or maybe even northern Mexico but that's it. This is WAY different when you can't read, write, or speak a language. I have seen a number of places here, basically all of the Honshu region. Some great sites. I have also learned what it is like to be a minority, be scared, frustrated, stared out, ignored, laughed at, etc. BUT i think this gives me even MORE a sense of compassion to minorities and other foreigners in the US. It has given me an appreciation for another culture. I LITERALLY sit in my desk and watch the people at school speak and communicate and think "Wow, how are they communicating? Its not English." It was weird to me and now i understand there are other entire CULTURES. Interesting, but cant be seen in a book. I also realize how much I am grateful to live in the US. I have learned who my true friends are and those who will send me a myspace message and act like we are best buds. I have learned what it is to be lonely and overwhelmed with people around you too. I first tried backpacking, taking the trains, buses, cooking for myself for the first time, buying groceries, opening a bank account, expressing and communicating with people with no language, meet friends by myself, i.e. manami and eric. And gained an even BIGGER appreciation for traveling in the future. I DEF am not scared to backpack in Europe. It cant be harder than not being able to read signs or speak to anyone or write anything.

Some other important things I have learned that cant be bought are I have learned to ignore what people think. Many times in the past I would not like to upset someone or step on toes as they say. I have learned to ignore what people will think and just do what feels right. I didn't feel like staying an extra 10 hours of unpaid time at work, so i said nope sorry. They tried to blame me for something, I said nope didn't do that. Sounds easy but i would not have done that in the past. This is my new favorite thing. I learned to do what makes me happy more too. No staying home on the weeknight, go out and have FUN!! Anyhow, I could care less what people think and i am glad i made the decision to come here and will leave with more than when i came. (unfortunately that doesn't go for money :( ) But this is my little pat on my back.


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